Conclusion: The prosthesis of incisor immediate implant is practical and effective. Application of Insertion-type Separate Post on Ceramic Restoration of Molar Residual Root and Crown with Low Occlusogingival Distance 结论:即刻烤瓷冠修复单个前牙种植体是一种切实可行的方法。分体桩在低?龈距磨牙残根残冠烤瓷修复中的应用
The three-dimension finite element analysis of stress in posterior tooth residual root restored post-core crown of different loading direction 不同载荷角度下后牙残根核桩冠修复后三维有限元应力分析
Comparison of the two methods of prosthodontics in subgingival residual root of premolar 缺损至龈下的双尖牙残根的两种修复方法比较研究
Clinical application of root canal pin and silver amalgam for restoration of residual root and broken root below gum 根管螺纹钉加银汞合金修复龈下断根及残根的临床应用
Conclusions Crown lengthening surgery has good clinical effect for the protection and restoration of residual root, but the indication must be selected properly. 结论牙冠延长术有利于残根的保存和修复,但要注意适应症的选择。
Evaluation of the Clinical Effect of Crown Lengthening Surgery on Residual Root 牙冠延长术保存残根的临床疗效观察
Application of Insertion-type Separate Post on Ceramic Restoration of Molar Residual Root and Crown with Low Occlusogingival Distance 分体桩在低?龈距磨牙残根残冠烤瓷修复中的应用
Methods analysis the clinic effect of procelain post core on36 patients with residual root or residual crown. 方法分析36例全瓷桩核修复前牙残冠、残根的临床效果。
In Nanfen Open-pit Iron Ore Mine, the reasons and positions of occurring of lump and residual root of bench after blasting are analyzed. 分析了南芬露天矿爆破时产生大块和根底的部位和原因,提出了优化爆破参数、改善装药结构、采用对角起爆的微差爆破及挤压爆破等技术措施。
The treatment of repairing residual root 短小残根的修复治疗
Clinical value of cast post-core porcelain fused to metal crown in restorating residual root and crown of molars 铸造桩核烤瓷全冠在后牙残冠和残根修复中的临床价值
AIM: To investigate the repairing effect and clinical significance of using the residual root for fixed bridge abutment tooth. 目的:探讨残根作为固定桥基牙的修复效果和临床意义。
Objective To investigate the effects of surgical crown lengthening on conservative restoration in anterior residual root. 目的探讨牙冠延长术对前牙残根的保存修复效果的影响。
Objective To explore the prosthetic method on residual crown and residual root of the front teeth. 目的探讨前牙残冠、残根修复的方法。
CONCLUSION: Residual root being used for fixed-bridge abutment tooth may reduce healthy tooth being used in abutment tooth, and it can enlarge indications of repairing fixed-bridge. 结论:利用残根作为固定桥基牙,可以减少使用健康牙作基牙,并能扩大固定桥修复的适应证。
The Effects of Ferrule and Various Material of Post and Core on the Fracture Resistance of Anterior Teeth Residual Root 不同桩核材料及箍结构对前牙残根抗折力影响的研究
Result: The three-dimensional models of the first maxillary molar residual root restored with post-core crown were generated. 结果:建立了上颌第一磨牙残根桩核冠的三维有限元模型。
Clinically, post crown restoration is commonly used for anterior teeth residual root. 桩冠是利用冠桩插入根管内以获得固位的一种冠修复体,是修复前牙残根残冠最常用的方法。
METHODS: Screw thread root canal spiles and resin tooth products were used to rehabilitate tooth root all in once to cases of residual crown, residual root, or traumatic odontoclasis based on complete root treatment. 方法:残冠、残根、外伤牙折在完善的根管治疗的基础上,采用螺纹根管钉与成品树脂牙一次性桩冠修复。
After perfect root canal therapy to the residual root and crown of the front tooth, it is the main repair method to utilize a post and core crown at present. 前牙残根残冠经过完善的根管治疗后,利用桩核冠修复在目前是主要的修复方法。
Nd ∶ YAG Laser Irradiation Applied to Conservation of Subgingival Residual Root Nd∶YAG激光在龈下残根保存治疗中的应用研究
Clinical application of glassfiber-reinforced composite post and core in the restoration of residual crown and residual root 玻璃纤维增强树脂桩核在残冠残根修复中的临床应用
Clinical observation on residual root being used for fixed-bridge abutment tooth 利用残根作为固定桥基牙的临床观察
The application of crown lengthening in the restoration of residual root in old patients 牙冠延长术在老年患者残根修复中的应用
The conservative therapy of subgingival residual root 龈下残根的保存修复治疗探讨
Objective To study the clinical effects of residual root and crown prostheses. 目的探讨残根残冠修复的临床效果。
Objective: To study the reservation and restoration of subgingival residual root and crown. 目的:探讨残冠残根达龈下时如何保留及修复。
It is the most important reason of the failure for final restoration that the residual root fracture again. And it is also the most serious complication after the post crown restoration. 残根的再次折裂是导致桩冠修复失败的最主要原因之一,也是桩冠修复后最严重的并发症。
After detailed clinical and radiographic examinations, periodontal therapy and other preparation treatment, including remove the inappropriate prosthesis, endodontic therapy, remove the residual root which is unable to keep. 对患者进行详细的口腔检查及辅助检查,完成牙周治疗和修复前的准备治疗,包括拆除不良修复体、牙体牙髓治疗、拔除无法保留的残根等。
OBJECTIVE To investigate the stress distribution in the root after rehabilitation of flared root canal with fiber post-core system crowns or casting nichrome post-core crowns, to provide a biomechanics reference for clinical restoring design of residual root. 目的:探讨前牙薄弱根管重塑,纤维桩核和铸造镍铬合金桩核修复后牙根的应力分布情况,为临床薄弱根管残根的修复设计提供生物力学的参考依据。